Welcome to the Back 4T, we're the Turnboughs. We pasture everything. It's our pleasure to share our organic, flavorful, wild crafted beef, chicken, pork, and eggs with you. We are dedicated to the health and well being of all the animals we raise and take great pride in what we do. Our meats are not only delectable, but healthy, in every sense of the word. When you order from us, you're ordering from a real ranch family. We hope you enjoy and please, let us know if you have any questions!
Meet your meat farmers:
Jim, Laura, and our four daughters. We're the boots on the ground, everyday, raising the best pastured, organic meats all while taking great care of the land, animals, and you... our favorite part of this adventure.
All of our meat is certified organic. We raise Texas grass fed beef, pasture raised pork, pastured chicken, and pastured free range organic eggs. Our farm is located in Eden, TX.
Currently we ONLY ship chicken out of the great state of Texas. Due to our 4 legged friends being processed at a state inspected facility, we are not allowed to ship beef, pork, or eggs out of state at this time.
We raise meat that you can feel good about!
-Our beef is one hundred percent grass fed and finished on our certified organic pastures.
-We are certified organic employing beyond organic practices through regenerative management to sequester carbon and improve the land.
-All animals are BORN and raised right here on our central Texas ranch. We NEVER source our meat from other "vendors" OR purchase animals to feed out for a few months.
-No antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMOs, or synthetic dewormers are used. EVER!
- We only supplement our pigs and chickens with soy free, corn free organic feed.
-100% traceability! When we raise an animal from birth, we can tell you exactly what animal, or batch of animals, your meat came from.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is shipping so expensive?
We ship all of our products overnight or 2nd day air with dry ice to ensure your product gets to you in a safe manner. Post CVD shipping got really expensive. Unfortunately, we would love to offer free or reduced shipping but the reality is, due to the nature of our product, we already loose 15-20% on shipping annually. Being a small farm, we just cannot afford to take a greater hit. However, please know that you are purchasing a high quality product and we do everything to ensure it gets to you in a timely manner.
When will my order ship?
If an order is placed over the weekend, it will be shipped out on Monday. If it's placed on Monday, the order will ship out on Tuesday, and if placed on Tuesday, it'll ship out on Wednesday. Any orders placed on Wednesday-Friday will be shipped out the next Monday. This is because UPS doesn't deliver on Saturdays. *Please note that this is the general framework for shipping orders. However, this is subject to change due to availability of dry ice, schedules, etc.
What are your animals fed?
We supplement our all of our pastured pigs and chickens a corn free, soy free, certified organic feed. Our cows graze on pasture 100% of the time and are never fed any grain.

Buy from us...
How it works
We ship our meat every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from our farm right here in central Texas. We do local deliveries to San Angelo, TX every Thursday, and Brady, TX every other Friday. We also deliver to Austin and Marble Falls, TX on the first Tuesday of the month, and Abilene, TX on the second Tuesday of the month. You are always welcome to pick up your order at the farm. (Please see our Delivery Calendar for more info.)
We hope to have an on-farm store up and running soon!
Click on the button below to get started.